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Etapp 19 15/7
Samos - Mercadoiro
Gått: 32 km ungefär, tror jag
Skador: inga större problem
Skavsår/blåsor: oförändrat med första blåsan. Blåsa två på gång på samma ställe fast på andra foten
Solbränd: vaden
Väder: sol sol sol

Första 10 kilometrarna ut ur Samos var helt magisk. Sträckan gick genom en skog och var väldigt vacker. Var tvungen att stanna och bara titta och andas djupt flera gånger.

Resterande 20 km var desto mer tunggådda i stekande hetta upp och ner. Vi stannade tidigare än planerat tom. Vi hamnade dock på ett väldigt fint ställe med magisk middag.

Vid niotiden (eller var det senare?) stapplade några slitna vandrare in (varav en var från Göteborg!!!!) och vi satt uppe sent och snackade och hade orimligt kul. Jag och Sanna (svenskan alltså) lärde ut massa viktiga Sverigekunskaper, till exempel små grodorna. Vattnet slutade funka när Sanna höll på att tvätta håret så hon fick en nästan tom vattenflaska av mig och Laurie bar upp en hink med vatten från handtvättstället som fortfarande funkade. En vanlig kväll på caminon alltså. 


1 JamesJEs:

п»їAutor John Collins & Penis Enlargement Bibel Review
Penis Enlargement Bible Review & What is it?
The Penis Enlargement Bible review is clearly presented in this article. John Collins has the necessary expertise to have had this product solution designed for those men who have sexual inadequacies. Look at the Penis Enlargement Bible here.
The opportunity to benefit from a miracle cure that can be applied universally pretty slim. There is a deviation with respect to the effectiveness of the reaction of a person to another. There are strategies that could work for a job, but maybe not for others. The pros and cons of each treatment and strategy for male enhancement are good criteria to help one to understand whether or not the same corresponds to your needs. Thus, a review of the Penis Enlargement Bible definition of the pros and cons of the product is exactly the way to do that. The review will be in a position to make a decision whether ultimately whether the Penis Enlargement Bible to buy to help.
Penis Enlargement Bible by John Collins
Upon reading and understanding the Bible several penis enlargement reviews, you will be able to make an impression or a full picture of what’s in store produce for oneself be buying the product. There is no more reason to stay discontent about the size or appearance of their own masculinity, because it is already something available that is actually tested and proven to be effective. But without a plan before you buy, it is best to first do a little search and discovery through reading and understanding the various reviews of the Penis Enlargement Bible .
The review will be able to offer you the pros and cons of the product. There are a lot of similar products scattered on the market, but if you just want a meticulous search of what treatment is best your needs, that it just as easy to live a more enjoyable sex life, because more than with a thicker, longer and attractive penis structure, the ultimate evaluation of the joy and happiness you get to laying in bed.


2 JamesJEs:

п»їLet me tell you one very important thing,
If you’d asked me about penis enlargement a few months ago. I wouldn’t reacted well to that at all. This was because I was frustrated with my small 4.8 inches penis and I have tried almost every method (pills, extenders, pumps, creams, patches, oils etc) out there with no result. The only method that I didn’t try thankfully was surgery.
Ask me about penis enlargement now, I am very much positive and happy to reply! Within just 6 months my view towards penis enlargement took sharp turn.
So, what happened within 6 months?
My penis grew 2.3 inches straight from small 4.8 inches to long 7.1 inches. This is all thank to John Collins for his wonderful penis enlargement guide “Penis Enlargement Bible (aka PE Bible)”
Now, I know many of you are saying, “Oh no, not another ‘penis enlargement in days’ program”. Honestly, I thought the same thing. Rest assured, this is not the case. It is not a quick fix or re-trashed work from the past.
Penis Enlargement Bible is the unique two-step biochemical method to increase penis size. The methods and techniques provided inside PE Bible are exclusives to this guide. This two-step biochemical method involves low cost off the shelves natural supplements and specifically designed exercise program. Some users gained an inch in as little as 7 days by using this system.
Watch the below video in which some users talked about this program. Rest assured these are real customers and there is very few penis enlargement programs that contain testimonials from real customers. *By clicking above video you will be taken to new page where you have to scroll down little to watch this video. However, you can also read full review on Penis Enlargement Bible .
I know you get disappointed every time you see your penis size. You want your penis to grow but it is not growing even you passed out puberty period. You are desperate to make your penis bigger and ready to do anything but you don’t want to hurt your penis. Pills, extenders and surgery are all too expensive for your pocket and you know they can hurt your penis and health as well.
You keep on searching on internet for what is the solution for small penis? How to Get a Bigger Penis? How to Make Your Dick Bigger? But you keep on getting advertisements for penis enlargement pills, extenders, pumps, weights, exercise DVDs etc.
Let me tell you one simple thing,
I was not born with bigger penis. My penis was hardly 4.8 inches when I sleep with my first girlfriend (which was worst experience for me) and after that I finally take decision to increase my penis size. And I PROMISED myself that I will never date any girl until I get 7 inches penis.
So, I start browsing on internet for how to make your dick bigger and after two or so months I decided to start with penis exercises. I decided to use penis exercises for couple of reasons. First of all, they are safe as I am on full control of my penis. Secondly, they are free and most importantly they deliver results as I read in many forums.
So, I told you my story not to make you jealous instead I am your friend I want you to succeed. I am having 7.1 inches penis at the time of writing this and believe me it feels so great when you have bigger penis than average size.
But before I show you penis exercises and my routine let me give you some tips on how to measure your penis.
Right Way To Measure Your Penis:
Measuring Erect Length:
Material Required: Ruler
Erect length is the most important measurement and this is where most people want to see results.
To measure your penis all you have to do is to gain erection. Try to gain erection naturally instead of gaining erection by watching adult movie. Once you have gain erection stand on floor and make your penis parallel to the floor. Put ruler on the side of the penis and

3 JamesJEs:

п»їPenis Enlargement Exercises
Exercises for penis enlargement
The best of penile exercises to follow can be found in John Collins Penis Enlargement Bible. You’ll find advanced techniques that will explode your gains. There are 2 basic penile workouts you can try (though they are significantly less effective). Try Jelquing and Kegels to get some very basic techniques.
But the obvious question for anybody in their mind will be is do penis enlargement exercises work? The crude answer and slightly impulsive too will be yes, they do. All Urologists, as well as sex health experts agree that penis enlargement exercises work. The science of stimulation works in a way that whenever something is stimulated it is bound to grow. All muscle groups grow that way, including the mind, hence the penis too.
The book speaks of various exercises for the penis. Over here a sincere attempt is being made to list a few of them followed by the ones we think are the best. Here they go.
Hot Towel Warm Up:
Post the warm up let’s get you introduced to a few methods:
The jelq method is unarguably one of the best methods for natural penis enlargement. If jelq method is done by a man from his teens to late adulthood, results have shown the penis to grow up to ten inches in length and seven inches in diameter. As startling as that may sound, the information is accurate and has gotten so many men excited about their penis possibilities. The jelq method improves blood circulation and tears down muscle fibres to make it grow back into a stronger form.
After the warm up, clasp the bottom of your penis not fully erected but not in the docile state as well, with your thumb and forefinger. Make on ‘O’ shape with the same and cut off the blood supply in your penis shaft. This will just help the blood cells in that area retain the blood. Post this move this ‘O’ shape forward on your penis till your reach the tip. You will feel the shaft of your penis getting filled with blood as you move upwards. Once you reach the tip, grip the tip of your penis and immediately place the left hand at the bottom repeating the same process that you did with your right hand. Do this for half an hour each day. Over just a few months of time you will see your penis grown substantially.
The Slow Jelq
The slow jelq is a variation on standard Jelquing. It’s good for girth and blood flow. Instruction in the video below.
Jelquing (the Milking Method):
Another way to Jelq, slightly more advanced. See the instructions in the video below.
Pubococcygeus Flex (AKA Kegels):
The name may sound like the name of a character straight from transformers movie but, Pubococcygeus flex or PC muscle flex as it is popularly known is an effective exercise for Penis Enlargement. PC muscle is a muscle that extends from the pubic bone to the coccyx. This muscle controls the urination and the ejaculation process. This muscle can be located by holding your urine while you are urinating and feeling the muscle between your anus and your testicles to contract. This is the PC muscle.
There are a few variations to the exercise. The first one is to locate the muscle and to expand and contract it several times in a day until the point that you reach the level of doing this around four hundred times in a day. The second variation is by warming up by the use of ten to twelve repetitions of the exercise mentioned before and holding that muscle contracted for twenty-five minutes at a stretch giving it a break for one minute.
These do seem a little difficult, to begin with but with practice, you will perfect the art. These two among many other exercises are the most effective penis enlargement exercises. Grab a copy today and enjoy the transformation in your life. You can get more info on other topics and other forms of PE on my Penis Enlargement Blog .
Even better way to do Kegels


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И будем говорить честно - этот экзамен сопровождается и психологическим сопротивлением, и разочарованием, в основном,
связанными с тем, как, и какими темпами происходят перемены в стране. Но то, что украинцы имеют шанс вырваться на свободу,
построить демократию, развитую экономику, занять свое место в цивилизованном мире – это факт. Такой шанс важно не упустить.
Украина только начала реформы, да, во многих случаях неудачно, да, с ошибками, да, перемены происходят не так быстро, как бы хотелось.
Но мы ведь фактически заново выстраиваем государственные институты, правоохранительную систему, честные суды,
мы только учимся культуре контролировать власть, что следует делать не только в период наших Майданов, а постоянно,
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